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Looking for Mister Job

Looking for Mister Job is a collection of ten short stories. The stories portray the lives of everyday men and women laboring under the weight of mostly self-imposed burdens; some succeeding in shedding theirs. The fictional situations created by the author are often so starkly realistic that the reader hardly needs to suspend disbelief to arrive at a full enjoyment of the stories.

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Looking for Mister Job is a collection of ten short stories. The stories portray the lives of everyday men and women laboring under the weight of mostly self-imposed burdens; some succeeding in shedding theirs. The fictional situations created by the author are often so starkly realistic that the reader hardly needs to suspend disbelief to arrive at a full enjoyment of the stories.

Author: I.N.C Aniebo

Publisher: Rasmed Publication Limited

Vendor Information

  • Store Name: Rasmed Publications Limited
  • Vendor: Rasmed Publications Limited
  • Address: 16, New Court Road, Old Gbagi
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