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01 Speeches of the World


101 speeches of the world is a unique collection that traces the evolution of the art of oratory. It spans across time to re-introduce readers to the masters of eloquence such as the eminent Greeks, Pericles and demosthenes, who foreground the tradition of oratory. Considered amongst the finest of Arts for centuries, and practical only by a select few kings, scholars and people of nobility over time, and with changing systems of governance, the art of oratory became more democratized
This book includes some of the finest speakers of all time such as Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Swami Vivekananda, Emmeline Pankhurst, Winston Churchill, Nelson man de LA, Martin Luther King Jr. And Barack Obama amongst others

Vendor Information

  • Store Name: Buybooks
  • Vendor: Buybooks Bookshop
  • Address: Opposite Heritage Mall, 16 Obafemi Awolowo Way
    J. Allen, Dugbe
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